Epokturism. Att kunna röra sig genom tiden, färdas i den fjärde dimensionen. Idag plockade jag upp The Psychology of the Solar Plexus and Subconscious Mind hos min Myrorna. Ett stycke inkapslad tidsanda, självhjälp anno 1914. Inblicksfullt beskrivs relationen mellan the physical and the psychic body. Det hela är väldigt vad vi nu skulle kalla pseudovetenskapligt och, givetvis, roligt.
The solar plexus is the home of the ego or the spirit of men; it is the connecting link between man and the Infinite and is the meeting place of the divinely physical, and the physically divine man. From the solar plexus we receive our visions called faith, and when we register them in the field of consciousness of our physical brain, and work them out through scientific human reasoning into tangible expression, then they become facts.
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